Wednesday 20 July 2011

Day 6 Glendalough to Roundwood

After a delicious breakfast, which included porridge and pancakes, Ann described a good route back to where we had to continue our walk. As we had a shorter day today, we chose to take the longer route down to Glendalough, through the woods and started climbing out of the Glendalough valley at 11.30!

All was well until we took our one and only wrong turn of the whole route. The map we had was not detailed enough for us to realise that we needed to take a very narrow path into the woods after a crossroads. It was not until we reached the road in Laragh that we realised we'd gone wrong and had to retrace our steps. We probably did an extra mile. We went back to where we last saw a sign and got out the book describing the route from north to south. From the description and with the help of a compass, we managed to find the small turning and then found the signpost, back from the path on the right. Walking from the north it is very clear but not easy to spot from the other direction. As we had been walking on wide tracks for nearly the whole route it was not surprising we missed it.

With no more mishaps we enjoyed the rest of the day's walking in temperatures in the 20s. Our next night's accommodation was near Roundwood. We weren't sure exactly where our accommodation was so I phoned Catherine at Ashlawn when we were at the first crossroads near the village. Catherine said to walk down to the village and she would pick us up. We were just about to set off when a land rover stopped and Greg asked if we needed any help. He then offered us a lift! As it was so hot, we readily accepted and hopped in. The lift via Greg's daughter Estelle's football training was very welcome and we were soon at Ashlawn

 Catherine made us coffee which we drank in the lovely garden. She kindly gave us a lift to Roundwood village for our supper. We had a wander round and decided to give our custom to both pubs, having supper at the Coach House and dessert and coffee at the Roundwood Inn, a traditional pub. 

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